I actually wrote the last post on perspective a couple of weeks ago, didn't add anything to it, just couldn't bring myself to post it until today. I know I'm so cheeky. I just couldn't post it, without having some sort of results. Like I mentioned in part 1, I just can't fail and posting "my dirty laundry" for all to see and then not following through on those resolutions I made for myself... that would be the definition of failure for me.
So I decided all this towards the end of May, and set these resolutions for myself. So far so good!
1 & 2 Keeping the right perspective & choosing Joy- How easy it is to dwell on the nail polish in the carpet, or the sippy cup that has been hiding under a bed and what once was milk is now a solid, or the tantrums of a 2 year old, frustrations of a 4 yr old and sassiness of a 5 yr old. The title of the blog is the blessing is in the SEED, and this right here is all the perspective & joy I need. I have started printing out quotes and bible verses and have them sporadically around the house as a constant reminder that each and every day is a blessing and not to sweat the small stuff :)
3) Organize/Re-decorate the house- This is where a lot of transformations have changed. The garage and backyard were cleaned/organized. The playroom is undergoing a major change and it's almost done, just needs a few more decorative touches to add some color. Expect a post or 2 soon. :) Steve made 2 trips to the recycling centre/landfill. I'm also in the middle of re-doing my office, I'd like to get the playroom done first and then will finish the office. We took a trip to Ikea and also placed an order online for delivery so we got new furniture for both spaces which is why both are being worked on. Since we had to pay a flat rate delivery fee we wanted to get everything that we wanted to save money.
I also created schedules and printed out morning & evening routine charts for the kids. These are so awesome, it's amazing how much of an impact some pictures, and words on a piece of paper makes! :)
So that's what we've been up to for a couple weeks now, we're a bit excited to have started these projects that we've been wanting to do for so long and not just starting them but we're almost done! The feelings of joy, peace, and accomplishment, ahh it's wonderful.
DIY Sliding Closet Door
5 years ago